How Realignment Can Help You Thrive
“My super attractor power comes from how I feel, my faith in love, and the joy I put out.”
This is the mantra a picked this week and resonates with some BIG lessons learned this past year. If you have been following along, you know September is my birthday month and I am sharing some personal stories from this past year in hopes you can relate, be inspired, feel encouraged and take away a little piece of information that helps you in your day.
This past year has been one where I had to get REAL with myself. Over the past few years, my life felt a bit chaotic and I was starting to not feel like myself anymore. I was constantly feeling drained, I wasn't showing up as my best self in some situations, and lost my "spark" for things I once loved doing. I was just getting through the day.
I was feeling out of alignment with myself.
Even though deep down I knew this, I was blissfully ignoring it. But life has a funny was of making you confront the areas you need to nurture and grow. A little over a year ago, my body started screaming at me -- telling me there is a problem here. Help! I began developing eczema all over my arms. I knew this was a stress response for me, I've experienced in the past during large challenging events but I was confused… this type of stress wasn't new. Yes, I have a stressful job. Yes, I am going through life transitions. Yes, relationships in my life have evolved. So? Isn't this true for everybody?
So what did I do? I continued to put more focus on all my self-care, like eating well, yoga, therapy, long walks outdoors-- I remember saying:
“Why am I still stressed?! I CAN’T POSSIBLY DO ANYMORE SELF-CARE!!””
Buuuuuut it continued… It would flare up, like my body telling me it had hit it's max and was now bubbling over… honestly, it was horrible. I was tired of wearing long sleeves everywhere and everyone being able to tell my level of stress just by looking at my arms (how embarrassing!).
After trying all types of natural supplements, medications, therapy, that's when I has to get real with myself and made a change. I made the decision to focus on realigning with my values and purpose, and made the big decision to change my career path: jumping into entrepreneurship! Some of you may be thinking, "Lindsay, isn't this just as, if not more, stressful?". Now, I think it's important to say that it wasn't because there was anything wrong with the role I was in or the people I was working with, it was because it was no longer in alignment with my purpose. I wanted to build and create -- that gave me energy and excitement. That’s what entrepreneurship provided for me.
As I listened to how I felt, and realigned myself with parts of my professional life that I love, I began to heal. My arms cleared up and I began feeling more and more like myself. Phew!
BUT WAIT, not so fast… I started getting eczema showing up on my face and neck-- "hello, it's me! You still didn't get the point. Let's make it a bit more obvious…" I was frustrated and discouraged. I had been here before though, so I came back to focusing on how I felt. I began asking myself:
How was I feeling in my career journey?
How was I feeling in my relationships?
How was I feeling with my purpose?
I again, realigned myself from a place of self-love. Showing myself compassion in the challenges I was facing in my start up. Finding celebration in the day-to-day journey. Realigning with a perspective of love for myself and for others I was in relationship with.
The flare ups came and went. I continued to check in with myself to understand what I was feeling and coming back to a place of alignment with my purpose and with love for myself and for those around me.
In the last couple months of this year, I have found myself in the best place I have been yet. Is it because my work is less stressful? Nope. Is it because my relationships are easier? Nope. It's because I always come back to how I feel, I look for was to come from a loving place and, last but not least, I have been focused on finding JOY -- both in what I receive and what I put out. The final puzzle piece!
If this resonates with you, I want you to write down this mantra to guide you through the next week: My super attractor power comes from how I feel, my faith in love, and the joy I put out.
And if there is anything you takeaway from this, my hope for you is this:
Check in with how you are feeling -- in the boardroom, in your day-to-day tasks, in your relationships. Describe it and ask yourself if this is how you want to feel.
Look for how you can realign your actions, stories, and environment from a place of love (for yourself and for others). Reframing or creating situations from a place where I believe the best intent was for me.
Take action to create joy. Don't wait for it to find you -- you find it!
For those of you who need a little more convincing, remember this: self-care not only allows you to show up better at home, it also allows you to show up better at work. It's not woo woo, it's strategic.
Your friend,