People Talk
Learnings, information and tips & tricks for anyone to reference who are looking to level up their people & culture strategies.
Creating Better Experiences at Work
I bet if I were to ask you if you want a better experience at work, you would say YES YES YES! So why are we still dealing with uncomfortable tension, ideas that go unheard, and overwhelming expectations…
Managing Expectations
The one thing I wish someone told me when I was starting my leadership career.
Let’s Create Something AMAZING
Optimizing processes, developing great communication strategies, and elevating the overall employee experience.
What is meant for you will be yours.
You shouldn't have to give up the bright parts of you in order to make things work out or move forward. That doesn't mean life is without compromise, collaboration, self-awareness and growth. But those things should feel like they are moving toward your purpose or goal. Not giving up pieces of you or your dreams.
Finding Flow in Your Career
This past year I have missed out on enjoying moments in my career journey because I haven't allowed my experiences to flow. Check in with yourself as you move through your day and ask yourself these questions.
How Realignment Can Help You Thrive
I was feeling out of alignment with myself. Even though deep down I knew this, I was blissfully ignoring it. But life has a funny was of making you confront the areas you need to nurture and grow...